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9 best exercises for rheumatoid arthritis pain: Tips and what to avoid



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Positivity     40.33%   
   Negativity   59.67%
The New York Times
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Exercise can reduce painful symptoms, improve joint function and flexibility, increase range of motion, and boost mood.It is best to seek medical advice before starting any exercise program and to work with a doctor and a physical therapist to develop a tailored exercise plan.The following types of exercise may help relieve the pain, joint stiffness, and other symptoms that RA can cause:Stretching can help improve flexibility, reduce stiffness, and increase range of motion. However, stretches often involve slowly and gently moving the joints of the knees, hands, and elbows.A typical stretching routine may consist of:Many people will find it beneficial to work with a physical therapist who understands RA to learn the correct way to perform the stretches that meet their personal needs.Walking is a low-impact form of exercise that can help with aerobic conditioning, heart and joint health, and mood.It is essential to wear proper shoes and stay hydrated, even if the walking is not strenuous. People often experience flares and periods of remission.Doing a variety of exercises and mixing up the daily routine can help people avoid overworking one set of muscles or particular joints.For example, a person doing morning stretches each day may choose to add strength training twice a week, a water workout once a week, and yoga or tai chi twice a week, symptoms permitting.

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