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Study hints that early morning exercise may reduce cancer risk

the International Journal of Cancer
The International Agency for Research on Cancer
the Severo Ochoa Distinction at ISGlobal

Manolis Kogevinas


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the United States

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Positivity     32.60%   
   Negativity   67.40%
The New York Times
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A new study has suggested that people who exercise in the morning between 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. may be less likely to develop cancers than those who exercise later in the day.New research has suggested that people who exercise in the early morning may have a reduced risk of developing cancer than those who exercise later in the day.The research, appearing in the International Journal of Cancer, may help inform future research into the timing of exercise as a potential way of reducing cancer risk.Research has shown that doing recreational exercise can reduce a person’s risk of developing many different cancers.This information is important because of the high numbers of people who develop cancer and the significant number who die of the disease. According to 2019 research, exercising during the day may help improve a person’s circadian rhythm and lessen the adverse effects of disrupted sleep patterns.Given that exercise can potentially reduce the risks of cancer and improve circadian rhythms and disrupted circadian rhythms can increase cancer risk, the authors of the new research hypothesized that the timing of physical activity might affect cancer risk.To test this hypothesis, the researchers behind the present study analyzed the data from 2,795 participants.

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