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The Best At-Home Arm Workout - Biceps, Triceps, Shoulder Exercises

Dean Crossfit
Dumbbell Floor Press
Bear HoldWorks

Dwayne Johnson
Maillard Howell
Band Pull-Apart
Hammer Curls

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The New York Times
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Works: pectoral muscles, triceps, anterior shoulder musclesHow to do it: Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Take one dumbbell in each hand, bend your elbows, and bring the weights overhead. Works: biceps, lats (located on side of your back), upper and lower back musclesHow to do it: From a standing position, pick up two dumbbells and bend your knees slightly. Repeat for 10-15 reps.Modifications: To put less stress on your lower back, you can place a chair or a table in front, put one dumbbell down, and place your free hand on the support before you. Keep your arms straight and then lift the dumbbells up and away from your body until you make a "t" shape. Tricep Kickbacks Works: triceps, biceps, forearms, lower back musclesHow to do it: Pick up your dumbbells and have them at your sides. Curl the dumbbells toward your chest, then lock out the elbows as you kick the weights behind you. Return and repeat for 10-15 reps.Modifications: To take more pressure off your back you can do single arm tricep kickbacks with support: Grab a chair or table and place your empty hand on your prop as you perform the exercise with the opposite arm. Straight Leg Bear HoldWorks: triceps, abs, shoulder and upper back musclesHow to do it: Start in a tabletop position with your knees directly beneath your hips and hands directly beneath the shoulders.

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