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The Perfect 15-Minute Ab Workout Men's Health


Ebenezer Samuel


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Positivity     44.96%   
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The New York Times
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If you know what you're doing, you can build the core you want using ab workouts that take as little as 15 minutes.The key for these quick sessions is understanding that throwing round after round of crunches at your core won't result in a six-pack. You need to approach your ab training with the same level of careful planning that you apply to the rest of your workout (and if you don't have a strategic plan or know what we mean by 'programming', now might be a good place to start for smarter, more efficient workouts).To make a comprehensive ab workout plan, even one that takes just 15 minutes, it helps to understand exactly what your core does, specifically, the role the muscle group plays in your everyday life. That means that just about every exercise is a core exercise–but there are some movements that are more important for core training than others.Let's break down some more important information about the core, the particular movements that are essential for core and ab training, and how you can design an efficient workout in 15 minutes or less.Don’t just train your abs, because your abs are only part of the battle. Your entire core, including abs, lower back muscles, obliques, and glutes, braces your spine, keeping it tight and structurally sound and immovable. Hit spinal flexion and more anti-rotation work than you may expect with the 3-step core getup.

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