the University of East Anglia
Medical News Today
Frontiers in Nutrition
the Cranberry Institute
David Vauzour
behavior).Kristin Kirkpatrick
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Dr. Vauzour explained to Medical News Today that he feels cranberries and the way they impact the brain have not been studied enough, despite the fact that they are rich in two types of flavonoids, anthocyanin and proanthocyanidins, both believed to offer health benefits. Researchers found no difference between the placebo and cranberry groups in 13 of 14 measures, but participants who consumed the cranberry extract did demonstrate significant improvements in visual episodic memory performance. The researchers found no association between the blood flow changes in the brain and the improved visual episodic memory.Beyond the brain, researchers observed a significant decrease in the LDL cholesterol of participants who consumed the cranberry supplements.Researchers did not observe a change in participants’ working memory (the ability to hold information in the mind for a brief time) or executive functioning (complex mental processes needed for goal-directed behavior).Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Denver, CO, explained to MNT that the results of this study, which she called “strong,” are “not at all surprising.”“Other studies have shown that the deeper the hue of a plant, the more benefit and phytonutrients it has,” she wrote in an email exchange.
As said here by Beth JoJack