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Biden, bipartisan senators say they have $1.2 trillion framework infrastructure deal

White House
Capitol Hill
the White House

Joe Biden
Rob Portman
Kyrsten Sinema
Susan Collins
Joe Manchin
Biden.""President Biden
Nancy Pelosi
Jon Tester
Mitch McConnell
Chuck Schumer
Mariam Khan



the White House

the United States

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"It was essential to show the American people that the Senate can function, that we can work in a bipartisan way, and it sends an important message to the world as well, that America can function, can get things done."Once the bill's language is nailed down, it will have to pass through both chambers of Congress before Biden can sign the legislation -- which Democrats warn will only come if a separate, reconciliation bill focused on "human infrastructure" is also approved.Earlier Thursday, Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., told Capitol Hill reporters that 21 senators and Biden's White House negotiators had reached an agreement on the plan's "framework," the same language other other senators used late Wednesday.Asked what areas still need to be worked out, Manchin said, "That's why we're going to go talk to President Biden.""President Biden is the ultimate person that will have to sign off on this, to make sure he's comfortable, and he wants a bipartisan deal," Manchin said. "In fact, I used the word 'ain't.""There ain't going to be an infrastructure bill unless we have the reconciliation bill passed by the United States Senate," she said, but she added she's "hopeful" for bipartisanship.Pelosi and other Democratic leaders support a "dual-track" approach to infrastructure that would include a separate bill passed using reconciliation, which wouldn't require GOP support, that includes Democratic priorities, such as health care, child care, climate change and education.Late Wednesday, negotiators, including Republicans Collins of Maine, Ohio's Portman and Montana Democrat Jon Tester, also said that they had reached a "framework" for an infrastructure deal but were still working out some key details, including how to pay for the package.Senators have been at odds for weeks over how to pay for the package, with Republicans refusing any tax cuts and the White House rejecting any fees or tax increases for Americans making under $400,000 annually.But while the possible deal appears to have substantial momentum, it remains to be seen how progressive Democrats will receive the plan, which is far less than they had hoped for.Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's position on the package is also unclear.Democrats are also simultaneously crafting a sweeping, filibuster-proof plan via budget reconciliation to wrap in as much as $6 trillion in spending on "human infrastructure," which includes elder and childcare, climate change, Medicare changes and immigration reforms.

As said here by Trish Turner, Allison Pecorin, Libby Cathey