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Climate-driven coastal flooding in the US likely to get worse suddenly

the Ars Orbital Transmission
CNMN Collection WIRED Media Group
Condé Nast

John Timmer
Jun 22

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the Northern Hemisphere
the Southern Hemisphere

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St. Petersburg
El Niño

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The team goes on to show that these changes can suppress the impact of rising seas for a time but can then contribute to a rapid increase in floods.The plane of the Moon's orbit isn't located exactly at the equator; instead, it's tilted slightly. The agency also maintains different projections for sea level rise to the end of the century, based on whether we expect the total rise to be at the low, middle, or high end of the range of what's expected by the century's end.All of this was combined with the Moon's influence to create an ensemble of models that project daily flood risk out through the next few decades. The team made estimates for 89 different locations throughout the US, including some of its island territories.Given that sea levels are expected to rise through the remainder of the century, it's no surprise that these projections show an increased rate of flooding. There's a nonlinear relationship between sea level rise and flooding days, since a smaller margin between flooding and not makes it much easier for high tides to cause flooding.One factor the ensemble can't take into account is the fact that sea level rise tends to vary over time, in part due to short-term influences like El Niño. These also create differences between locations that influence the rate at which flooding becomes a problem.The data also makes apparent that the rising waters aren't evenly distributed around the year.

As said here by John Timmer