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the like.@freemo
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the Guardian Project
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reap.@kline Yea
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Google Play
At least three apps I know of anyway and I'd imagine the others will follow soon under the exact same reasoning.} Seems to be the case with Husky, Fedilab, and "subway" tooter.this is a scary precedent if google play is going to ban any apps that can in any way be used to access content with hate speech. So what about a forum client, do they take that down just because there is a forum somewhere on the internet posting hate speech?This is particularly worrisome because for most people Google Play is the only way they understand to install apps at all.Picture attached of one of the notices received by fedilab. @tateisu #fediverse #mastoadmin #freespeech #censorship@freemo I think this is basically an ultimatum to the app maintainer to "implement a block on Gab".@khird Gab isnt even part of the fediverse and hasnt been for some time now.@freemo Gab doesn't federate (i.e. they broke server-to-server communication) but as far as I'm aware you can still use Husky to log in (i.e. client-to-server communication still works). If Google doesn't like some instance's moderation policy they ban its app.@khird haha that would be a mess, there would be thousands of mastodon apps all virtually identical forks of eachother on google play at that point.@freemo Yup. it probably also helps that they're big, and their ToS likely contains a section on hate speech, whereas with fedi, it depends entirely on the instance.@freemo @kline except chrome doesn't provide a list of websites (which i believe many if not all of these apps do) and if they did, 4chan wouldn't be on it@freemo @kline Literally all of that "offensive" content--fedi instances--can be viewed by #Chrome anyways. the only difference between chrome and a mastodon client is that chrome gives you access to hate speech servers through http protocol and mastodon client gives you access to hate speech servers through the ActivityPub protocol@kline@freemo just wait until they hear about the internet and what you can say in a phone call or send in a messaging app.@freemo They better take down all the webbrowsers, email-clients, chat-apps, games,Well, everything since it can be abused in that way.@admin Yea my thought exactly.@freemo They should just ban all open source apps so that we have a good reason to force everyone to use the F-Droid store and stop using Google shit.@freemo A good argument to promote F-Droid@Khrys does f-droid have any sort of screening process for apps though?
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