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Finger-pointing abounds as states get fewer vaccines than planned

the Pfizer/BioNTech
Health and Human Services
The Washington Post
the U.S. Government
Warp Speed
the Ars Orbital Transmission
CNMN Collection WIRED Media Group
Condé Nast

John Timmer
J.B. Pritzker
Alex Azar


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The New York Times
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Since then, over a dozen states have indicated that they'll be receiving fewer doses than planned in the second week (this article seems to have a fairly comprehensive list).Aside from the obvious problem of fewer vaccinated people, this creates issues for states that are working through vaccinating a set of populations using risk-based priorities. "We have millions more doses sitting in our warehouse but, as of now, we have not received any shipment instructions for additional doses."Given that BioNTech joined up with Pfizer in part because of the latter's manufacturing abilities and due to clear credibility issues with the Trump administration on the topic of COVID-19, it's likely that Pfizer's statement is closer to the truth.Warp Speed is a large and complex project in which multiple vaccine manufacturers will eventually be shipping doses to the federal government, which will then distribute them to states, each of which has to plan to get them to populations according to different priorities. Now, it's indicating that if the US government can ensure enhanced supply of its vaccine ingredients, it will sell the additional doses to the country.As of right now, the US only has commitments to buy enough vaccine to cover half of its population by the middle of 2021, making additional doses essential.

As said here by John Timmer