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For vehicle safety, the future is now

The European Union

Michael Lewis
Tabitha Soren
Kevin Clark
Janell Katesigwa

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the United States
New Mexico

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The New York Times
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The technology industry’s habit of beta-testing unproven software on the public, combined with car companies’ track record of delaying safety in exchange for profit, will not increase consumer trust of the safety, inclusivity and equity of driverless technology.Vehicle safety is based on using layers of protection that have led to a five-fold reduction in the occurrence of car crash deaths in the United States over the last 50 years. Driverless vehicles should be held to a higher standard than the minimum.Congress has an opportunity to help build public trust in the safety of driverless technology by requiring existing innovations that will be the building blocks of driverless vehicles into cars right away, with immediate benefits. The best time to appropriately assign accountability regarding who will be held responsible if a car with a computer driver kills your loved ones, or a systemwide defect impacts an entire driverless fleet, is before the crash.Moreover, history demonstrates that thoughtful requirements for all vehicles, crafted in a way to keep pace with major innovations in the automobile industry, have always been necessary to ensure vehicle safety is not reserved for the rich alone.Federal legislation requiring objective performance standards based on data collected from driverless cars being tested on public streets can provide a path to this future.

As said here by Jason Levine