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Frontier, nearing bankruptcy, faces scrutiny over weeks-long phone outages

the Federal Communications Commission
Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade
Consumer Protection
the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade
Frontier Communications
Commerce Department
the Ars Orbital Transmission
CNMN Collection WIRED Media Group
Condé Nast

Jon Brodkin
Tammy Baldwin
Bernie Han
Ajit Pai
ReadingAjit Pai

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Frontier has been investigated recently for long outages in several states.Further ReadingFrontier, an ISP in 29 states, plans to file for bankruptcy"Most troubling are reports of a lack of ability to complete calls to 911 emergency services and rely on medical alert services, including specific reports of life-threatening situations in which a 911 call could not be completed," Baldwin's letter to Frontier CEO Bernie Han said.Baldwin continued:A recent analysis of complaints to the DATCP [Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection] in 2018 and 2019, conducted by a Wisconsin television news station [WSAW-TV], found that individuals waited an average of more than three weeks for Frontier to restore landline service after an outage. Further, according to local media reporting of January 30, 2020, these concerns are widespread, and multiple Wisconsin residents feel that this is a "matter of life and death."Baldwin asked the FCC for help "assuring that Frontier Communications is fully meeting their 911 service obligations and providing appropriate telephone and Internet service to its customers in Wisconsin." She also asked for details on how many 911-related complaints have been filed to the FCC about Frontier in Wisconsin since January 2019."Further, please advise as to the steps that the FCC has taken to address these concerns with Frontier Communications," Baldwin wrote.We contacted the FCC today and will update this article if we get a response.Further ReadingAjit Pai refuses to investigate Frontier’s horrible telecom serviceAs we've previously reported, Frontier also failed to properly maintain its telecom network in Minnesota, leading to "frequent and lengthy" phone and Internet outages, an investigation by the state Commerce Department found in January 2019.

As said here by Jon Brodkin