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Google News is broken

Google News
the Digital News Initiative
Huffington Post
Instant Articles'
The New York Times

Owen WilliamsOwen

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Positivity     43.00%   
   Negativity   57.00%
The New York Times
Write a review: Hacker News

What's never really discussed, however, is how those platforms work, and how news sources end up getting mountains of traffic from them, let alone approved for them in the first place.Google News is one of the biggest news platforms on the internet, and you're seeing it almost every day even if you don't know it. If you're not, good luck fighting it out with all the other small sites.If you're looking for what it takes to get into News, here's what Google says it takes to get in and get the precious features that will drive all of that traffic, which doesn't seem so difficult on first read:I have been working to get approval in Google News for something like two years for this site, and despite constant tweaks, submission for approval and roundabout progress, I've made zero progress. I assume that I'm too small to have the company reply to me, but I'll never know.After spending weeks of time adding the right structured JSON to my site for News, messing around with custom author profiles and other things that might have not been compliant and submitting almost every six weeks for over a year, I've given up on Google News entirely. Google News, Facebook and others drive a huge amount of traffic, but all of them are gate-keeping lazily, while getting lots of happy PR for saying they're supporting journalism.This is much the same experience as I've had in the past with Facebook's 'Instant Articles' technology in the past.

As said here by Owen Williams