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Here's why your dreams are more vivid lately

Northumbria University
Creative Commons
Coronavirus in Context

Jason Ellis

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The New York Times
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Whereas the “memory consolidation” theory suggests that dreams are a byproduct of reorganizing memory in response to what has been learned throughout the day.Both theories have at least one thing in common – during times of stress and anxiety we either dream more or remember our dreams more often, as a way of coping with challenging circumstances and new information. This is also in line with another theory of dreaming – the mood regulatory function of dreams theory, where the function of dreams is to problem-solve emotional issues.While there is no evidence that we dream more when we are stressed, research shows we are more likely to remember our dreams because our sleep is poorer and we tend to wake in the night more frequently.Studies show the dreams of people with insomnia (a disorder largely characterized by stress) contain more negative emotion and are more focused on the self, in a negative light. And this may account for these changes in our dreams, when we are anxious, depressed or sleeping badly.The current thinking is stress reduction before bed and good sleep management – such as keeping a consistent sleep routine, using the bedroom only for sleep, making sure the bedroom is cool, dark, quiet and free from anything arousing – will reduce awakenings at night and so the frequency of stress-related negative dreams.That said, using a technique called Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT), mainly used for treating nightmares in people with post-traumatic stress disorder, it appears stress and anxiety associated with nightmares and bad dreams as well as the frequency of bad dreams can be reduced.

As said here by The Conversation