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Hitting the Books: Why we need to treat the robots of tomorrow like tools | Engadget

Duca Family
University of California
Business Administration
the Harvard Business School
Harvard Business Review Press
Tsedal Neeley
Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation

Paul Leonardi
Tsedal Neeley
Naylor Fitzhugh
Burt Swanson’s
Dennis Mortensen
Clifford Nass
Youngme Moon

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Santa Barbara

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No matter how closely artificial intelligences and androids may come to look and act like humans, they'll never actually be humans, argue Paul Leonardi, Duca Family Professor of Technology Management at University of California Santa Barbara, and Tsedal Neeley, Naylor Fitzhugh Professor of Business Administration at the Harvard Business School, in their new book The Digital Mindset: What It Really Takes to Thrive in the Age of Data, Algorithms, and AI — and therefore should not be treated like humans. It seems that our collective impulse to relate with people often creeps into our interaction with machines.This problem of mistaking computers for humans is compounded when interacting with artificial agents via conversational UIs. Take for example a study we conducted with two companies who used AI assistants that provided answers to routine business queries. The second group routinely remarked at how surprised they were when their queries were returned with useful or even surprising information and they chalked up any problems that arose to typical bugs with a computer.For the foreseeable future, the data are clear: treating technologies — no matter how human-like or intelligent they appear — like technologies is key to success when interacting with machines. Interacting successfully with a conversational UI requires a digital mindset that understands we are still some ways away from effective human-like interaction with the technology.

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