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Launch HN: Dockup (YC W19) ? On demand staging environments for dev teams

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Dockup reply
these:- Seeding


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Positivity     37.00%   
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The New York Times
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Testing turnaround time?- Do you guys anticipate on-premise deployments of Dockup?Best of luck!- Why make pull request reviews with a development environment rather than a slimmed down production environment? Unlike Vagrant, Dockup runs your apps on the cloud and you get URLs in your slack channel when someone opens a PR.- Our pull request reviews (we use Dockup while developing Dockup :D) actually use production environment. We simply use a postgres container as the database and turn off analytics in our Dockup environments.- Yes we do get requests for on-premise installations and we do support that. If you want to just self-host the infra and use Dockup UI, you can do it right now by signing up for the self-hosted plan.- Our pull request reviews (we use Dockup while developing Dockup :D) actually use production environment. We simply use a postgres container as the database and turn off analytics in our Dockup environments.- Yes we do get requests for on-premise installations and we do support that. If you want to just self-host the infra and use Dockup UI, you can do it right now by signing up for the self-hosted plan.- Yes we do get requests for on-premise installations and we do support that. We can do this in Dockup because we can maintain a pool of single-use DBs for your deployments.- Deployment form to mix and match different versions of your apps (example: you can try how branch-foo of frontend and branch-bar of backend work together)- Users who know how to write Dockerfiles can easily setup Dockup. Many of our users are project managers and QA and they find the UI easy to use.- Seeding DBs with prod-like data is easy and works super fast so you don't have to wait around for a long time until you do a database dump/restore. We can do this in Dockup because we can maintain a pool of single-use DBs for your deployments.- Deployment form to mix and match different versions of your apps (example: you can try how branch-foo of frontend and branch-bar of backend work together)- Users who know how to write Dockerfiles can easily setup Dockup. Many of our users are project managers and QA and they find the UI easy to use.- Deployment form to mix and match different versions of your apps (example: you can try how branch-foo of frontend and branch-bar of backend work together)- Users who know how to write Dockerfiles can easily setup Dockup. Many of our users are project managers and QA and they find the UI easy to use.- Users who know how to write Dockerfiles can easily setup Dockup. work in staging.does Dockup assume that companies don't already have the 3 main environments (dev/CAT/prod) set up?Why would my service be worth anything in isolation?

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