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Let's Build a Compiler





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post, so you can use that implementation as a reference.Though our compiler will eventually be self-hosting, we'll need something to run For now, our compiler can just be a function compile-program that takes code as input and returns a bunch of 32-bit x86 caller and make sure none of the other registers are modified.For generating the assembly and compiling the output binary, I wrote a basic compiler. required to return 42.Finally, the compile-to-binary program is how we actually use the compiler calls compile-to-binary and then runs the resulting program. compiler and verify the generated code.Then, we can load the new version into a REPL and test it out:Supporting integer constants is great, but Scheme includes more than just sacrifice a few bits of our integers, we can use a trick called "tagged represent look like this:Integers and pointers use every available bit, booleans use the least more bits; there's be no way to distinguish between 0 and #f, or an integer bits of our integers, setting them to always zero. bit of our actual integer, and we only have 30 bits available to represent our meaningful bits of integers and booleans up by eight, then put a marker value in the newly-unoccupied low-order bits?Now the two low-order bits are zero if a value is an integer, and 1 when it's bits of our pointers will always be zero, which means we can use them for representations, so that integers always have the low two bits set and pointers cool if we could cram object type information into the pointer too?Those three bits can be set to any of the following patterns:We can't use anything ending in 00, since that would represent an integer, and on and actually implement them.First off, let's define some useful constants for our data representation:Next, a utility function that converts a primitive value into its word

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