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Mark Zuckerberg must pay for Cambridge Analytica data scandal, DC lawsuit says

the Cambridge Analytica
DC Superior Court
Facebook Platform
Consumer Protection Procedures Act
the Federal Trade Commission
the Ars Orbital Transmission
CNMN Collection WIRED Media Group
Condé Nast

Jon Brodkin
Mark Zuckerberg
Karl Racine
Christopher Wylie
Cambridge Analytica
Aleksandr Kogan
Alexander Nix
Ted Cruz
Donald Trump

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the Facebook Platform

District of Columbia
United States
the United States

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Positivity     30.00%   
   Negativity   70.00%
The New York Times
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Behind closed doors however, Zuckerberg insisted that Facebook's policies be "as simple as we can get away with." Given that Facebook's platform was designed to allow abuse, Zuckerberg's company largely operated without proper safeguards in place to protect users: policy enforcement was lax, review of app violations was inconsistent or subjective, and the policies themselves were unclear and confusing.Ultimately, the political consulting firm "Cambridge Analytica used the Facebook Platform—in a way that Facebook and Zuckerberg encouraged—to influence and manipulate the outcome of a United States presidential election," Racine's complaint said. Cambridge Analytica—a London-based electioneering firm—exfiltrated the personal data of more than 70 million Facebook users in the United States, including more than 340,000 District residents, in order to influence the results of the 2016 United States presidential election." Furthermore, "this data trove included Facebook users' ages, interests, pages they've liked, groups they belong to, physical locations, political affiliation, religious affiliation, relationships, and photos, as well as their full names, phone numbers, and email addresses."Facebook knew in December 2015 that researcher and app developer Aleksandr Kogan "had sold Facebook consumer data to Cambridge Analytica," a violation of Facebook's platform policy, the complaint said.

As said here by Jon Brodkin