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Roe v. Wade: Supreme Court would limit civil rights, not expand them

the Supreme Court
West Coast Trial Lawyers
the Supreme Court's
Brown v. Board of Education
Plessy, Brown
Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
The Supreme Court

Neama Rahmani
Samuel Alito
Ernesto Miranda's
Doron Kalir
Donald Trump

Black Americans

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Nelson and extending the constitutional right to marry to same-sex couples."Instead of using the Constitution to expand rights to the citizens of this country, now the conservative right is starting to limit the rights of people in this country," Doron Kalir, a professor at Cleveland-Marshall College of Law, told Insider.The Supreme Court currently has a 6-3 conservative majority, with three justices nominated by former President Donald Trump, who campaigned on selecting judges that would overturn Roe.Kalir said landmark decisions like Roe and Obergefell extended rights to those who wanted them, adding Roe never forced anyone to get or perform an abortion, and Obergefell never forced someone to marry someone of the same sex or perform a same-sex marriage.The language in the draft opinion that would overturn Roe was harsh and sweeping, with Alito calling the decision "egregiously wrong from the start." Kalir said it indicates the court may be open to limiting a whole host of rights that pertain to the right to privacy and the sanctity of the home."Can you imagine a police agent knocking on your door and asking if you used contraception?" Kalir said, adding that in a post-Roe world, investigating criminalized abortion could involve police searching homes or internet data for evidence that a person performed or assisted in an abortion."This may really be the harbinger of horrible things to come," he said.

As said here by Kelsey Vlamis