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The HyperX Quadcast S Is Our Go-To Streaming Mic

Blue Yeti
The Quadcast S
the Quadcast S
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the Quadcast S

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the Quadcast S

Rainbow Road
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Positivity     40.00%   
   Negativity   60.00%
The New York Times
Write a review: Wired

Please also consider subscribing to WIRED8/10For a time, if you were looking for a USB mic to start a podcast, stream on Twitch, or even just have better Zoom calls, the only name anyone would utter was Blue Yeti. The lights inside the core of the microphone blend into a pleasant gradient that feels more like a subtle accent color, and less like a frontal assault from Rainbow Road.While the original Quadcast only had red LEDs, the Quadcast S has the full spectrum of colors, which you can customize via HyperX's Ngenuity software. But that does raise a tiny bit of an issue: HyperX has designed the kind of microphone that's ideal for someone who wants to get started on a hobby or side hustle like streaming, but if that hobby grows too much, there's not much room to upgrade without incurring a lot of extra costs.Professional-grade audio gear uses a more complicated setup that includes an interface, possibly a preamp, and (for portable setups) a recorder as well. Moreover, these mics tend to avoid the kind of built-in processing that makes devices like the Quadcast S sound so good out of the box, but makes later editing or custom processing harder.If you think you'll never want to upgrade your audio setup, this isn't an issue. Plus, professional mics don't usually come with sweet RGB LEDs.HyperX Quadcast SRating: 8/10If you buy something using links in our stories, we may earn a commission.

As said here by Wired