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This is what ?war in space? probably would look like in the near future

the US Space Force
The Aerospace Corporation
The Physics of Space War
Netflix, Space Force
Ars Orbital Transmission
CNMN Collection WIRED Media Group
Condé Nast

Eric Berger
Tie Fighters
Rebecca Reesman
James Wilson



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the Soviet Union
the United States

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   Negativity   68.00%
The New York Times
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But even those with more realistic expectations for what could happen if nations went to war in space—perhaps satellites using orbital kinetic weapons to attack other satellites?—may not fully appreciate the physics of space combat. Therefore, the report authors Rebecca Reesman and James Wilson write, controlling space does not necessarily mean physically conquering sectors of space.Rather, control over the high ground involves reducing or eliminating adversary satellite capabilities while ensuring one retains the ability to freely operate their own space capabilities for communications, navigation, observation, and all the other increasingly essential ways in which militaries rely on space.When considering how to control space, the authors lay out the ways in which space combat is counter-intuitive for policymakers and strategists.Given all of this, for engagements in space, maneuvers and actions will have to be planned far in advance, Reesman said in an interview. More likely would be a "T-bone" collision between satellites, which does not require plane matching but rather occurs when two orbits cross.Nations do have a strong incentive to not destroy other satellites because of the potential to create hazardous debris that would potentially affect all nations' assets in space—and debris generated in space has a lasting effect.

As said here by Eric Berger