Donald Trump
Michael Cohen
Bill Gates
Keith Schiller
Benjamin Dictor
Stormy Daniels
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Trump Tower
Cedar Rapids
Karen McDougal
He grabbed me, so I hit him across the side of the head,” to which Trump responded, “Good.”Trump was also questioned under oath about other instances where he’s promoted violence against detractors.In one particularly bizarre excerpt highlighted by the Daily Beast, Trump voiced fears of being pelted by “pineapples, bananas, tomatoes, stuff like that,” which he said were “very dangerous.”He used those concerns to justify telling supporters at a 2016 rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, to “knock the crap out of” anyone who tried to take part in an alleged plot to throw tomatoes at him.Trump’s attorneys sought to keep his testimony private, but Benjamin Dictor, a lawyer for the activists, argued he needed to file the transcript to demonstrate why he required Cohen to testify.The trial is expected to begin in June.Cohen served over a year in prison and another year and a half in home confinement after pleading guilty to campaign finance charges and lying to Congress over his hush money payments to porn actor Stormy Daniels and model Karen McDougal, who alleged during the 2016 presidential race they had extramarital affairs with Trump.
As said here by Josephine Harvey