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Trump?s Future: Tons of Cash and Plenty of Options for Spending It

the White House
the Republican Party
The New York Times
American Made Media Consultants
the A.M.M.C.
Georgia Election Fund
Save America
the Republican National Committee
the Federal Election Commission
Trump PAC’s
Issue One
the Trump Victory Committee
the Trump Hotel Collection
the R.N.C.

Shane Goldmacher
Maggie HabermanDonald J. Trump
John McLaughlin
Donald Trump.”Mr
Lara Trump
John Pence
Mike Pence
Sean Dollman
Tim Murtaugh
Joseph R. Biden Jr.’s
Meredith McGehee
Bill Stepien
Justin Clark
Jason Miller
Ronna McDaniel
Brian Kemp
Whit Ayres
George W. Bush
Barack Obama


the West Wing

Trump Tower


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The New York Times
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Trump will exit the White House as a private citizen next month perched atop a pile of campaign cash unheard-of for an outgoing president, and with few legal limits on how he can spend it.Deflated by a loss he has yet to acknowledge, Mr. Trump has cushioned the blow by coaxing huge sums of money from his loyal supporters — often under dubious pretenses — raising roughly $250 million since Election Day along with the national party.More than $60 million of that sum has gone to a new political action committee, according to people familiar with the matter, which Mr. Trump will control after he leaves office. After weeks of shouting “FRAUD” to supporters in emails and asking them to back an “Election Defense Fund” (which also sent 75 percent of donations to his new PAC), the Trump operation has subtly shifted its tone and focus, returning to more sustainable pre-election themes, like hawking signed hats and opposing socialism.Mr. Trump and the R.N.C. did spend about $15 million combined in legal costs and other spending related to disputing the election between Oct. 15 and Nov. 23, according to federal records.Besides a $3 million payment to Wisconsin to fund a partial recount in the state, Mr. Trump’s largest recount-related payment did not go to attorney fees but to American Made Media Consultants, the Trump-linked L.L.C. on which Lara Trump was listed an original signatory. “There are very, very, very few limits on what he can’t spend money on.”In the last five years, Mr. Trump has never shied from spending hundreds of thousands of dollars from his contributors on his private businesses, a practice he could continue or expand while out of office.Just since mid-October, the Trump Victory Committee, a joint account operated with the R.N.C., has paid more than $710,000 to the Trump Hotel Collection, while his re-election account has continued to pay more than $37,000 per month to rent space in Trump Tower.It is not clear where his post-presidential operation will be based or who will run it, although several advisers expect it will be in Florida, where he is planning to move.But as a former president, Mr. Trump will be allocated a certain amount of taxpayer money for staff and office space for life after leaving the White House, and he is beginning to have discussions about which aides from the West Wing will accompany him.

As said here by Shane Goldmacher, Maggie Haberman